Student Usage by Class

The Student Usage by Class report provides the student usage data for the selected school and date filters summarized by class and teacher, including the associated programs. You can compare the students enrolled in the class to the number of students who have logged in during the selected date range (active students), total logins, and an average number of logins per active student.

For students or teachers who are enrolled in multiple schools and/or districts, Logins are only counted towards the first school in which the user was enrolled. If the login count appears to be missing for a user, check the user's logins across all his or her schools and districts.

Run Your Report

  1. Select the Reports tab, and then choose the Student Usage by Class report.
  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Click Run to generate the report. Click Stop to cancel your request.
  4. Scroll to the bottom for the cumulative totals for your selected date range.
  5. Optionally, to save new filter selections for future use:

    1. Click the (Filter) icon, and select Save Filter.

    2. Type a unique Filter Name, click Save, and then click Close.

      Filter names are case-sensitive.

See Also